
Verklaring grootaandeelhouder UVS

"United Vansen (UVS), majority shareholder of ADO Den Haag, has taken note of the announcement by Mr. Ad Melkert and John van Ringelenstein that they have resigned as members of the Supervisory Board with immediate effect. Unfortunately, there have been some different opinions on the club strategies and other matters between the two members of Supervisory Board and other members, shareholders, along with the management board, which has led to termination of the cooperation. UVS wishes to express its appreciation for the work that Ad and John have performed for ADO Den Haag.

It goes without saying that UVS will do its best to ensure that the Supervisory Board is supplemented by a new chairman as soon as possible. UVS will carefully follow the procedure as laid down in the articles of association of ADO Den Haag.

We hereby express our full confidence in our management team as well as in everyone involved in the first team and in Young ADO Den Haag. We hope that the installation of a new Supervisory Board will contribute to a return of peace within the ADO Den Haag organization and look forward to the future of ADO Den Haag with the greatest confidence."


Reactie Ad Melkert, mede namens John van Ringelenstein
“Na overleg met grootaandeelhouder UVS hebben wij, de ADO Den Haag NV Commissarissen Ad Melkert (voorzitter) en John van Ringelenstein, ons ontslag aangeboden in verband met verschillen van inzicht met betrekking tot het bestuur van de onderneming. Wij blijven ons verbonden voelen met het succes van de club en wensen de ADO Den Haag-gemeenschap het allerbeste.”