#ADOGreen is a dynamic initiative by ADO Den Haag aimed at integrating sustainability and health into the heart of its operations and community outreach. Symbolized by the green in its logo and the stork emblem, ADO Den Haag is committed to leading by example in the Haaglanden region. The initiative is not just a branding exercise but a commitment to actualize the values of sustainability and health within the club and the wider community.
Key Highlights of #ADOGreen:
Community Integration and Sustainable Initiatives: ADO Den Haag is deeply integrated with its community, reflected in its sustainable actions and the establishment of #ADOGreen as a strong brand representing pride in sustainability and health.
Accessibility and Positive Development: #ADOGreen aims to make sports and football experiences accessible to those in the region for whom it's not typically available, promoting positive lifestyle changes.
Impactful Social Projects: The initiative focuses on creating structural and impactful social projects, with Health, Development, and Experience as core elements, benefiting diverse groups in the Haaglanden region.
Environmental Responsibility: ADO Den Haag is committed to reducing its environmental footprint through measures like energy efficiency, waste reduction, and green mobility. Noteworthy projects include:
- Installation of 2900 solar panels generating 600,000 kWh.
- 20 electric car charging stations, cutting regional CO2 emissions by 60%.
- Introduction of LED lighting in the stadium, saving 240,400 kWh and reducing energy usage by 68.3% per season.
- Adoption of 90% fossil-free buses for player transportation.
- Implementation of plastic recycling programs, recycling 76% of plastic during match days and events.
Collaboration for Sustainability: The initiative thrives on collaboration with players, staff, supporters, and partners to foster a sustainable mindset, demonstrated through the #ADOGreen Partner Club, which specializes in Health and Sustainability.
In summary, #ADOGreen is a testament to ADO Den Haag's commitment to sustainability and health, not only within the club but also across the Haaglanden region, making a tangible impact through concerted efforts in environmental stewardship and community involvement.