
Expats of The Hague, Expat football supporters of The Hague. The time has come for you to come and visit the Kyocera stadium and watch your local football team; ADO Den Haag. This stadium is ranked as one of the best for atmosphere in the country. It may not be the biggest, but the noise generated by the fans inside make it one of the most enjoyable places in Holland to watch your football.

The date is Saturday 9th February with a kick-off at 18.45 against NAC Breda. A joint venture between ADO Den Haag and ADO for Expats has been struck up to attract all expat football fans who live in the greater The Hague region, and who miss their own beloved football clubs. Now is the time to get them to adopt our local club, ADO Den Haag as their team of Holland. ADO Den Haag has offered us tickets at only €10.00 each. These tickets that we have been given usually cost €30.90, so we do have a great offer from the club. Tickets are available firstly to people with no Dutch passport (Expats only). If an expat wishes to have a Dutch national with them, this is possible. Please remember that photo ID is required for each person getting a ticket. To get your ticket send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and inform us what type of photo ID you will provide when you pick up your ticket. This information is required by all supporters who visit a game at ADO Den Haag, not just people applying to this offer. This offer is not only open to individuals; families are also welcome as are other groups, the more the merrier. If you want to know a bit more about our local club, please also visit OK, now for the fun, the idea is to get together at the new Grand Cafe situated on the Grote Markt, ideal for getting the tram to the stadium later, meet at the bar around 16.00. There we can all meet up and get to know each other, preventing people from being by themselves. We want this to become a regular event and form a type of fan club for expats to support our local team. Tickets will be delivered to the bar where you can pay your €10.00 and hand over a copy of your photo ID, the one that you mentioned in your application email. We aim to be on the tram at approximately 17.30, allowing enough time to walk to the stadium. ADO Den Haag has also added an extra offer. They will sell a scarf and an ADO Den Haag OV chip card for the combined cost of only €15.00: Normal price being €27,50 at the Grand Cafe. So you can now make your first visit to the Kyocera stadium even better and all for a small price of only €25.00!! Where normal this would have cost you a total of €68.40. After the game we will all meet up after the game and travel back to the Grand Cafe to share a few drinks and discuss the football. So are you interested? If so contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and register your interest. It is going to be a good night out and there should hopefully be a lot of goals. So come on and SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL TEAM!!!